Educating Children from 18 Months to 18 Years (Day & Boarding)
40 Years of Academic Excellence:Crèche, Early Years, Primary, Secondary, Cambridge IGCSE, IB Diploma Programme and Boarding
English as an International (EIL) Language Support & Curriculum
We treat every child with respect for their individuality through differentiated teaching and learning styles that meet specific needs.
We provide our students with equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of the school regardless of gender, nationality, religious belief or ability.
We celebrate lifelong learning and are committed to nurturing self-esteem and respect.
EIL Support
Key principles for additional language acquisition:
Language develops best when used in purposeful contexts across the curriculum.
Effective use of language is crucial to the learning and teaching of every subject.
The language demands of learning tasks need to be identified and planned for, with attention both to initial access and to extension.
Access to learning requires attention to words and meanings embodied in each curriculum area. Meanings and understandings cannot always be assumed but need to be explored.
Teachers have a crucial role in modelling uses of language.
All students have an entitlement to the National Curriculum.
A distinction is made between EAL and Special Educational Needs.
Language is central to our identity; teachers need to be aware of the importance of students’ home languages and to build on their existing knowledge and skills.
Many concepts and skills depend on and benefit from a well-developed home language and literacy in home language enhances subsequent acquisition of EAL.
EAL Curriculum
Cambridge Global English Secondary Curriculum for EAL Students.
KS3 (Year 7-9)
A rich and student friendly curriculum delivered by experienced teachers.
In subject classes, EIL students will have input at a comprehensible level or just above which allows students access to the target language and acquisition. In order for EIL students to gain an understanding of the content and to extend their competence in English, teachers present the material in a modified form via strategies that allow access to meaning.
IGCSE Year 10-11 – ESL IGCSE
Cambridge IGCSE English as a Second Language is designed for learners who already have a working knowledge of the language and who want to consolidate their understanding in order to progress in their academic or professional career. The qualification reflects the widespread use of English in education and commerce.
EIL during IBDP
There are no EIL classes at IB level however the department still offers small group and 1:1 support through its Learning Support Faculty.