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Library & Media Centre

We treat every child with respect for their individuality through differentiated teaching and learning styles that meet specific needs.
We provide our students with equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of the school regardless of gender, nationality, religious belief or ability.
We celebrate lifelong learning and are committed to nurturing self-esteem and respect.

Bookshelf illustration
pupil reading in library

Additional Support

Students will be offered additional learning  support when it is clear that their needs require intervention which is “additional to” or “different from” the well-differentiated curriculum offer for all students in the school i.e. they have a Learning Support need as defined by the Code of Practice (2015). 

Under-achieving students and students with EAL who do not have a learning support needs will not be placed on the list of students being offered additional support. 

In keeping with all vulnerable learners, intervention for students with learning support needs will be identified and tracked using the whole-school provision map.


Students may receive more in class support or support within the inclusion provision, known as Learning Support. 

On very rare occasions, where a student has a significant, severe and sustained need, it may be necessary to enter a multi-disciplinary assessment process with health and educational psychologists in order to consider the individual’s needs. This would be a decision made in discussion with families and would be at their expense.

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