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Every Child Matters

We treat every child with respect for their individuality through differentiated teaching and learning styles that meet specific needs.
We provide our students with equal opportunities to participate in all aspects of the school regardless of gender, nationality, religious belief or ability.
We celebrate lifelong learning and are committed to nurturing self-esteem and respect.

every child matters
additional support student

Additional Support

Students will be offered additional learning  support when it is clear that their needs require intervention which is “additional to” or “different from” the well-differentiated curriculum offer for all students in the school i.e. they have a Learning Support need as defined by the Code of Practice (2015). 

Under-achieving students and students with EAL who do not have a learning support needs will not be placed on the list of students being offered additional support. 

In keeping with all vulnerable learners, intervention for students with learning support needs will be identified and tracked using the whole-school provision map.

Students may receive more in class support or support within the inclusion provision, known as Learning Support. 

On very rare occasions, where a student has a significant, severe and sustained need, it may be necessary to enter a multi-disciplinary assessment process with health and educational psychologists in order to consider the individual’s needs. This would be a decision made in discussion with families and would be at their expense.

Learning support curriculum : support option

Every student who is identified with a learning need has an Individual Education Plan (IEP). The IEP identifies the support and service the student’s needs for success.

Each student with an IEP will have an individual accommodation list. It is clear for each teacher just what they have to do to differentiate for each student. 

Every BSL student’s learning style is identified because everyone learns in different ways.  Knowledge about how they learn will help learners maximize their success. Each teacher has a list of every student’s learning style. 

There may be a need to challenge able students and stimulate a higher level of achievement, in a particular area, or across subject areas.

In Years 10, 11, 12, and 13 learners with a need for additional support can, after discussion with the Learning Support Department, relevant subject teachers, tutors and parents, opt to take Study Plus.  This course benefits students who would struggle with the demands of taking all the IGCSE and IB Diploma options.

the 7 habits of highly effective

IGCSE and IB Access Arrangements for Exams

The British School of Lomé recognises and promotes the need to be flexible when dealing with examination candidates who have Learning Needs. Exam dispensation enables candidates who might not otherwise do so, demonstrate their attainments. We have a qualified psychometric assessor employed on the staff of the school.

Access Arrangements can take many forms:

  • Additional time normally 25%​

  • Additional supervised rest breaks

  • An amanuenses

  • A reader

  • A prompt

  • Enlarged print papers

  • Use of bilingual dictionaries

  • Laptop use

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Résidence du Bénin, 02 BP 20050 Lomé 02, Lomé - Togo

Tel: +228 22 26 46 06,


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